The next time you contact the IRS, your call or online text might be received by a voice or chat bot. The IRS is now employing the technology on two of its specialized phone-assistance lines and on The voice bots will provide taxpayers with assistance in English and Spanish. These bots can help taxpayers with an IRS notice or make a tax payment. However, voice bots won’t help with general tax questions. The chat bots will do the same thing for taxpayers seeking answers on via a text-like interface. Both voice and chat bots will transfer taxpayers to a live IRS representative on request. If you have more specific questions regarding your taxes, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Understanding Tax Management to Keep More of Your Money
Understanding how to manage taxes is key to keeping more of your hard-earned money. Taxes are a part of life, but with the right strategies, you can minimize their impact on your finances. Smart tax management involves looking at your financial responsibilities and...